Stata Fundamentals: Parts 1-3

October 26, 2022, 9:00am
This workshop is a three-part introductory series that will teach you Stata from scratch with clear introductions, concise examples, and support documents. You will learn how to download and install the Stata software, understand data and basic manipulations, import and subset data, explore and visualize data, and understand the basics of automation in the form of loops and functions. After completion of this workshop you will have a foundational understanding to create, organize, and utilize workflows for your personal research.

Bo Yun Park, Ph.D.


I am a Postdoctoral Scholar in the D-Lab at the University of California, Berkeley. My research lies at the intersection of political, cultural, and transnational sociology. I am particularly interested in dynamics of social inclusion and exclusion, social change, technology, and digital politics. My dissertation investigated how political strategists in France and the United States craft narratives of political leadership for presidential candidates in the digital age. I received my Ph.D. in Sociology at Harvard University, where I was affiliated with the Institute for Quantitative Social...

Avery Richards

Senior Data Science Fellow
School of Public Health

Avery is an MPH graduate at the School of Public Health. With a background in literature and behavioral health, his current research focuses on innovations in applied epidemiology, including multidisciplinary approaches to health and social science data. Avery's general interests include public health surveillance, data quality assurance, and geospatial analysis.

Shusheng Li

UTech Management
Data Science

Shusheng is currently a fourth-year undergraduate student studying Data Science and Economics. He is currently a part of the UTech Management team at D-Lab. Shusheng loves playing all types of sports because it's a great way to stay fit and be together with friends. Working as a UTech Front desk, Shusheng loves helping others and directing them to the right resources available.

Stata Fundamentals: Parts 1-3

August 15, 2022, 9:00am
This workshop is a three-part introductory series that will teach you Stata from scratch with clear introductions, concise examples, and support documents. You will learn how to download and install the Stata software, understand data and basic manipulations, import and subset data, explore and visualize data, and understand the basics of automation in the form of loops and functions. After completion of this workshop you will have a foundational understanding to create, organize, and utilize workflows for your personal research.

Diana Casanova

Graduate School of Education

Diana Casanova is a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate with the Graduate School of Education. Diana’s research is focused on the policies and practices that empower family and community stakeholders to act collectively and affect social change. Specifically, she studies the implementation of California’s school finance reform, which includes a more structured and democratic process of stakeholder engagement, seeking to illustrate the relationship between a state initiative aimed at bringing families into policy-making spaces and the ways that families find and make meaning in these spaces...

Erin Manalo-Pedro

Research Fellow
Community Health Sciences (UCLA)

Erin Manalo-Pedro is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health with a minor in education. She focuses her racial health equity research on curriculum, the health workforce, and political interventions for communities of color. Drawing from Public Health Critical Race Praxis and Pinayism, she aims to use methods, like natural language processing and counter storytelling, to document the subtleties of structural racism and resistance from marginalized groups.

To guide her interdisciplinary approach, Erin leverages

Stata Fundamentals: Parts 1-3

March 8, 2022, 1:00pm
This workshop is a three-part introductory series that will teach you Stata from scratch with clear introductions, concise examples, and support documents. You will learn how to download and install the Stata software, understand data and basic manipulations, import and subset data, explore and visualize data, and understand the basics of automation in the form of loops and functions. After completion of this workshop you will have a foundational understanding to create, organize, and utilize workflows for your personal research.

Stata Fundamentals: Parts 1-3

February 16, 2022, 3:00pm
This workshop is a three-part introductory series that will teach you Stata from scratch with clear introductions, concise examples, and support documents. You will learn how to download and install the Stata software, understand data and basic manipulations, import and subset data, explore and visualize data, and understand the basics of automation in the form of loops and functions. After completion of this workshop you will have a foundational understanding to create, organize, and utilize workflows for your personal research.

Tiffany Hamidjaja


Hello! I’m a Sociology Ph.D. student and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. My research focuses on children of incarcerated parents as collateral consequences of mass incarceration and the criminal justice system. My two current projects examine: 1) the traumatic impact of viewing a parental arrest on a child in their understanding of criminality, law enforcement, and delinquency outcomes and 2) the compounding effect of parental incarceration and the child welfare system on children. Before joining Berkeley, I was a research assistant at Columbia University...