Databases & SQL

Nicolas Nunez-Sahr


I lived in Santiago, Chile until I graduated from high school, and then moved to the US for undergrad at Stanford, where I obtained a Bachelor’s degree from the Statistics Department. I then worked as a Data Scientist in an NLP startup that was based in Bend, OR, which analyzed news articles. I love playing soccer, volleyball, table tennis, flute, guitar, latin music, and meeting new people. I want to get better at mountain biking, whitewater kayaking, chess and computer vision. I find nature astounding, and love finding sources of inspiration.

Gaby May Lagunes


Hello! I’m Gaby (she/her). I am PhD student at the ESPM department, I hold a masters in Data Science and Information from the Berkeley ISchool and I have 5+ years of industrial experience in different data roles. Before that I got a masters in Engineering for International Development and an undergraduate degree in Physics from University College London. And somewhere between all that I got married, survived the pandemic, and had two awesome boys. I’m very excited to help you use data to enhance your work and your experience here at Berkeley!

Jailynne Estevez

Consulting Drop-In Hours: Fri 3pm-5pm

Consulting Areas: Python, SQL, Stata, HTML / CSS, Javascript, Google AppScripts, Databases & SQL, Data Manipulation and Cleaning, Data Science, Data Sources, Data Visualization, Python Programming, Surveys, Sampling & Interviews, Text Analysis, , Bash or Command Line, Excel, Git or Github, Stata

Quick-tip: the fastest way to speak to a consultant is to first ...

Chirag Manghani

Consulting Drop-In Hours: Wed 1pm-3pm

Consulting Areas: Python, R, SQL, Stata, SAS, LaTeX, HTML / CSS, Javascript, C++, APIs, Cloud & HPC Computing, Cybersecurity & Data Security, Databases & SQL, Data Manipulation and Cleaning, Data Science, Data Sources, Data Visualization, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Python Programming, R Programming, Software Tools, Text Analysis, Web Scraping, Regression Analysis, Software Output Interpretation, Bash or Command Line, Excel, Git or Github, Qualtrics, RStudio, RStudio...

Nicolas Nunez-Sahr

Consulting Drop-In Hours: By appointment only

Consulting Areas: Python, R, SQL, C++, APIs, Databases & SQL, Data Manipulation and Cleaning, Data Science, Data Visualization, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Python Programming, R Programming, Text Analysis, Regression Analysis, Software Output Interpretation, Bash or Command Line, Git or Github, RStudio, Google Cloud, PostgreSQL, Python Django

Quick-tip: the fastest way to speak to a consultant is to first ...

Tonya D. Lindsey, Ph.D.

Data Science Fellow
Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS)

Tonya D. Lindsey is a visiting scholar at the Institute of Governmental Studies and the project director of CRB Nexus: Where Policy Meets Research, an initiative of the California Research Bureau (CRB) at the California State Library. As project director of CRB Nexus, she is developing a community of practice space for California’s policy staff and public scholars. As a CRB senior researcher she uses her expertise in research methods to analyze a wide variety of policy questions at the request of legislators, the governor’s office, and their staff. She received her PhD in sociology...

James Hall

Department of Statistics

James Hall is a graduate student in the Statistics MA program at University of California, Berkeley. He is a husband and father to three awesome kids. Originally from Baltimore, MD, James earned his bachelors in Mathematics at the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY in 2011, and served as a U.S. Army officer. He’s served as a leader at multiple levels within large organizations with a professional focus on visualizing and communicating complex analysis to decision makers. James’ experience and coursework give him expertise in navigating different statistical methods,...

Jailynne Estevez

Info & Data Science MIDS

Jailynne Estevez is a Data Analyst and a prospective Masters in Information and Data Science candidate at UC Berkeley. With a bachelor's in Public Policy, she brings a diverse skill set to her pursuits, demonstrating aptitude in data analysis and programming.

Monica Donegan

Data Science Fellow
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management

Monica is a third-year Ph.D. candidate in the Environmental Science, Policy, and Management program. She uses computational tools to study the evolution and ecology of agricultural plant pathogens. Previously, she worked on a data science team at a biotech company in Boston.

Wadzanai Makomva

Discovery Graduate Fellow
School of Information

Wadzanai is a graduate student at the School of Information and she is a part of the MIMS program. She has a vested interest in the integration between data science, technology and developmental surveillance techniques. She has prior experience working as a quantitative analyst in project management consulting within a professional services firm, public health, and most recently in sustainable construction materials. Wadzanai is particularly interested in increasing access of STEM subjects and fields to under-privileged women of color in the African continent, particularly her home...