Upcoming Workshops
Welcome to D-Lab!
Campus Community
Our entire campus community is welcome to sign up for our workshops— graduate students, undergrads, faculty, postdocs, staff, visiting scholars, and anyone else with an active @berkeley.edu email address!
If you are not affiliated with the UC Berkeley campus, you may be eligible to register for our workshops through our partner portals for Berkeley Lab (LBL), CZ Biohub, California Research Bureau (CRB) or UCSF.
Everyone Else
We do not offer our workshops to individual members of the general public, however if your organization is interested in partnering with the D-Lab to offer our workshops, consulting, and other services, please email: dlab-frontdesk@berkeley.edu
Python Fundamentals: Parts 4-6
Digital Humanities Working Group (February 2025)
Excel Data Analysis: Introduction
R Fundamentals: Parts 1-4
R Copilot Assisted Coding Workshop
Qualtrics Fundamentals
R Data Wrangling and Manipulation: Parts 1-2
Excel Data Analysis: Charts, Pivot Tables, and VLOOKUP
Python Data Wrangling and Manipulation with Pandas: Parts 1-2
Command Line Fundamentals
R Data Visualization
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Fundamentals
Python Data Visualization: Parts 1-2
GitHub Fundamentals
Python GPT Fundamentals
Stata Fundamentals: Parts 1-3
Python Machine Learning Fundamentals: Parts 1-2
R Machine Learning with tidymodels: Parts 1-2
R Geospatial Fundamentals: Parts 1-2
MAXQDA Fundamentals
Python Web APIs
Digital Humanities Working Group (March 2025)
Excel Data Analysis: Introduction
Python Geospatial Fundamentals: Parts 1-2
Python Deep Learning
Python Web Scraping
Qualtrics Fundamentals
Excel Data Analysis: Charts, Pivot Tables, and VLOOKUP
R Census Data Fundamentals
Python Fundamentals: Parts 4-6
Python Text Analysis: Parts 1-3
R Data Visualization
Python Data Visualization: Parts 1-2
Python Data Visualization: Parts 1-2
Digital Humanities Working Group (April 2025)
R Data Wrangling and Manipulation: Parts 1-2
Python Machine Learning Fundamentals: Parts 1-2
R Data Wrangling and Manipulation: Parts 1-2
R Fundamentals: Parts 1-4
More D-Lab events and workshops coming soon!
More workshops coming soon...
Please subscribe to the D-Lab weekly newsletter to be notified when new workshops are available for registration.Read more about More D-Lab events and workshops coming soon!