Data from the IGS and CA Field Polls
You can find links to the IGS Polls and California Field Poll response data and related press releases here. The data are queryable and downloadable through the online Survey Data and Analysis (SDA) tool.
Use this link to query across multiple California Field and IGS Polls. This will help you identify specific poll data to analyze online or download.
About the CA Field Polls
The Field Poll, or the California Poll, was established in 1947 by Mervin Field and operated continuously as an independent, non-partisan, media-sponsored public opinion news service through 2016, with a focus on California voters. These polls cover a wide range of political and social topics, including:
approval of important national and statewide political figures,
reactions to significant political events and hot button issues,
opinions on California ballot propositions,
voter awareness,
understanding and predispositions of major campaign issues,
party affiliation, and
demographic characteristics.
About the IGS Polls
Since 2015, the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) has continued the mission of the Field Poll. The Berkeley IGS Poll is a periodic survey of California public opinion on important matters of politics, public policy, and public issues. The poll, which is disseminated widely, seeks to provide a broad measure of contemporary public opinion, and to generate data for subsequent scholarly analysis. The D-Lab makes the IGS Poll data available for download or online analysis. The IGS Poll reports can be downloaded from eScholarship
Complementary Survey Data Resources
The Public Policy Institute of California Statewide Survey is a data resource that is complementary to the California Field and IGS Polls. Since 1998, PPIC has conducted a survey on the social, economic, and political attitudes and policy preferences in California-wide races and initiatives.