
Lawrence Y. Tello

Master's Student
School of Public Health

I am an MPH candidate in Epidemiology & Biostatistics at the School of Public Health. Prior to graduate school, I worked on Psychology and Neuroscience studies. My research interest revolves around psychiatric epidemiology with a focus on suicide prevention. Currently, I am working as an Epidemiologist/Data Analyst for the California Department of Public Health. I love working with messy data, solving coding challenges, and data visualization.

Ian Castro

D-Lab Alumni
School of Information

Ian is a graduate student in the Master of Information Management and Systems program at the School of Information with a focus in applied data science. He earned his B.A. in Media Studies and B.S. in Microbial Biology from UC Berkeley, and his research interests and work experience are in STEM education. He focuses in building courses and academic programs to make data and computing accessible to historically marginalized students and those without prior exposure to the field.

Jennifer Kaplan


Jennifer is a first-year graduate student in the Romance Languages & Literatures program here at Berkeley. She has experience conducting ethnographic fieldwork and is passionate about qualitative research methods.

7 Steps to a strong survey tool with Qualtrics

November 30, 2021

When creating a survey for an audience it is important to make your survey tool accessible, succinct, and understandable. The following 7 step guide gives you an important tool kit to improve your survey response rates and completion rates, and give you clear results.

1: Set the stage on your intro page.

Inform the respondent of the purpose of the survey on the title page of your survey. The purpose of this page is to build trust with the audience and provide the necessary information...

Anushah Hossain

Senior Data Science Fellow
Energy and Resources Group

Anushah's background is in history and economics and she is interested in questions of how technological and social trends inform one another. She uses the models and methods of these disciplines - theories of technological change, an eye towards historical contingencies, and familiarity with programming tools - to undergird her work. In the past she's studied how internet users make sense of barriers they encounter when accessing the web, how cellular communications alter the nature of village life in the Philippines, and how the South Asian diaspora finds...

Jordan Weiss, Ph.D.

Data Science Fellow

Jordan Weiss is a demographer who studies population health and inequality. A central theme of his work concerns the integration of theories across multiple disciplines with advances in statistical and computational science to inform research design and translate findings into actionable, policy-relevant information.

Jordan earned his Ph.D. in Demography and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania where he also earned an MA in Statistics. He is currently a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Demography and Data Science Fellow at the University of California,

Improved Data Protection Features for Berkeley Qualtrics Users

October 14, 2020

D-Lab has long been a champion of campus qualtrics users by hosting workshops and supporting consulting requests. We have some updates that we would like to share with you regarding some changes to the campuswide qualtrics brand that might affect your surveys.


In order to ensure compliance with UC privacy and ...