Trying to register, but not affiliated with the UCB campus? If you are from Berkeley Lab (LBL), UCSF, or CZ Biohub, please register via our partner portals here.
If you are from the UCB campus there's no more waitlist! But after registering above, please do fill out the affiliations form if you have not done so at least once before:
Location: Remote via Zoom. Link will be sent on the morning of the event.
Date & Time: This workshop is a 4-part series running from 10am-1pm each day:
- Part 1: Tuesday, March 8
- Part 2: Thursday, March 10
- Part 3: Tuesday, March 15
- Part 4: Thursday, March 17
Start Time: D-Lab workshops start 10 minutes after the scheduled start time (“Berkeley Time”). We will admit all participants from the waiting room at that time.
This workshop is a four-part introductory series that will teach you R from scratch with clear introductions, concise examples, and support documents. You will learn how to download and install the open-sourced R Studio software, understand data and basic manipulations, import and subset data, explore and visualize data, and understand the basics of automation in the form of loops and functions. After completion of this workshop you will have a foundational understanding to create, organize, and utilize workflows for your personal research.
Each of the parts is divided into a lecture-style coding walkthrough interrupted by challenge problems, discussions of the solutions, and breaks. Instructors and TAs are dedicated to engaging you in the classroom and answering questions in plain language.
Prerequisites: None
Part 1: Introduction
Learn how to navigate the R Studio environment. You will also learn how to store data, characteristics of basic data types and data, the importance of data frames (think Excel spreadsheets), and how to save your work.
Part 2: Subsetting and Reshaping
You will then be introduced to loading data from files and various ways to subset it with an emphasis on bracket notation. You will also learn how to use logical vectors, search for and subset missing data, and merge data frames.
Part 3: Data Exploration and Visualization
Students will be introduced to data exploration and analysis in R. You will learn how to summarize data and explore it with histograms, scatterplots, and boxplots using ggplot.
Part 4: Control Structures
In the final part, we will cover how to use programming control structures such as functions, for-loops, and if-else statements to make more readable and re-usable code.
Workshop Materials:
Software Requirements: Installation Instructions for R and RStudio
Is RStudio Not working on your laptop?
Attend the workshop anyway, we can provide you with a cloud-based solution until you figure out the problems with your local installation.
Feedback: After completing the workshop, please provide us feedback using this form.
Questions? Email: