Joni Landeros-Cisneros

Job title: 
Data Science for Social Justice Fellow 2023

My name is Joni Landeros-Cisneros, (pronouns: he/him/his). I am a first-generation and system impacted scholar in the Critical Studies of Race, Class, and Gender. Ph.D. program: Education.

I was born in La Piedad, Michoacán, and was raised in Sioux City, Iowa. I completed a B.S. in anthropology and an MA in anthropology from Iowa State University where I was a Ronald E. McNair scholar.

My research interests include whiteness studies, asymmetrical and targeted policing in K-12 and higher education, abolition studies, and the academic and prison-industrial complex.

I intend to join the professoriate and dedicate my work to transformational research that has the power to reshape and make higher education accessible to historically marginalized students, while disrupting the mechanisms that uphold targeted criminalization. In my free time, I enjoy road cycling, fútbol, hiking, hanging with friends, listening to corridos, and watching competitive cooking tv shows.