Sean Perez

Job title: 
Instructor, Consultant, Graduate Student Researcher (GSR)
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management

Sean is a Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM). His thesis is centered around the chemical and genetic components that underly chemical defense in arthropods. To answer these questions, he uses a variety of methods from Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to RNAseq differential expression analysis. To this end, he programs in R, Python, and bash.

Sean is also an aspiring data-science who draws inspiration from Hadley Wickham and Wes McKinney, the creators of the tidyverse and pandas respectively, and tries to follow their tenants of creating reproducible workflows as well as creating tidy data.

In his off-time, Sean loves to go climbing and do side data science projects outside his major discipline (perhaps not surprisingly analyzing climbing data).

Research interests: 

Python, R, SQL, APIs, Data Sources, Data Visualization, Databases & SQL, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Research Design, Text Analysis, Web Scraping, Cluster analysis, Experimental design, Hierarchical Models, High dimensional statistics, Means Tests, Nonparametric methods, Regression Analysis, Bash or Command Line, Excel, Git or Github, RStudio, RStudio Cloud, Tableau

