Wilson Torres

Job title: 
Data Science for Social Justice Fellow 2023
Mechanical Engineering

Wilson received a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Stanford University in Chemical Engineering and Biology, respectively, and a second Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently pursuing a Doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley in the Embodied Dexterity Group. 

Outside of lab he enjoys martial arts and has practiced Muay Thai and Eskrima.

Research interests: 

His research interests include assistive technology, wearable devices, and upper limb augmentation, especially for underrepresented populations. Some of his previous projects comprise of a mechatronic infant gym for the early detection of developmental delays, development of a sensorized hernia model to train surgeons with the Da Vinci Surgical Robot, and an assessment of older adult’s feelings towards robotic assistance during daily tasks.