IUSE Research Team

Sandra You

Student Assistant, NSF IUSE
Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS)

Sandra You is a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in data science and computer science. She is interested in research about data science education. She is currently working on her honors thesis on factors related to student performance in data science courses. Outside of school, Sandra enjoys hiking, music, and movies.

Seyi Olojo

Instructor, Researcher
School of Information

Seyi is a PhD Student in the School of Information and is a member of the Algorithmic Fairness and Opacity Group. Her research broadly explores the problem space of digital memory, specifically the social discourse surrounding algorithms, ethics, and engagement. Additionally, her work often explores histories of quantification and the politics of categories within emerging technologies. She uses a mixed methods approach to research; this includes ethnography, interviews, grounded theory, surveys, data analysis and values-based design. Here at the D-lab, she leads the qualitative...

Tiffany Hamidjaja


Hello! I’m a Sociology PhD student and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. My research focuses on children of incarcerated parents as collateral consequences of mass incarceration and the criminal justice system. My two current projects examine: 1) the traumatic impact of viewing a parental arrest on a child in their understanding of criminality, law enforcement, and on delinquency outcomes and 2) the compounding effect of parental incarceration and the child welfare system on children. Before joining Berkeley, I was a research assistant at Columbia University...

Byeongdon Oh, Ph.D.


Byeongdon (Don) Oh is currently serving as a Computational Social Science Research Faculty at the University of California, Berkeley. He also serves as an Assistant Professor of Sociology – Social Justice & Change at the State University of New York Polytechnic Institute. With a diverse background that includes experiences as a journalist, military officer, and policy researcher, he has developed a keen sensitivity to social diversity and inclusion. His research focuses on social stratification/inequality, education, race/ethnicity, quantitative/computational methods, and mixed methods...