Data Sources

Alex Ramiller

Senior Data Science Fellow 2024-2025, Data Science Fellow 2023-2024
City and Regional Planning

I am a PhD Candidate in City and Regional Planning. My research focuses on the use of large administrative datasets to study residential mobility, neighborhood change, and housing access. I received a Master in Geography from the University of Washington and a Bachelor's in Economics and Geography from Macalester College. I have also consulted on analytical projects for several organizations including the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, PolicyLink, and the City of Seattle.

Elijah Mercer

Data Science Fellow 2024-2025, Consultant
School of Information

Elijah Mercer is a Master's student in the School of Information. He is particularly interested in using data to drive results for marginalized communities. His interests are in the field of criminal justice, policy and juvenile justice.

John Salchak

Data Science Fellow 2024-2025
Political Science

I am a third year Ph.D. student in the Department of Political Science and I conduct empirical research on international and civil conflict. My work assesses the effects of U.S. security force assistance on partner state military design as well as the effects of foreign military interventions on subsequent dispute initiation between states.

I hold an MA from University of Chicago and a BA from George Washington University.

Stephanie Andrews

Data Science for Social Justice Senior Fellow 2024
Info & Data Science MIDS

Stephanie Andrews is currently studying data science in the MIDS program, having previously majored in Social Welfare as an undergraduate at Cal. After graduating, she worked as an advocate for survivors of gender-based violence, as a public policy analyst focusing on anti-trafficking initiatives, and as a software engineer for progressive and social impact organizations. She is now conducting research with the Human Rights Center's Investigations Lab, using OSINT and data science methods to investigate human rights violations.

Violet Davis

Data Science for Social Justice Senior Fellow 2024

I am a Masters student studying Data Science with the School of Information. My research involves computational social science projects focused on social justice and equity.

Minding the Gaps: Pay Equity in California

July 9, 2024
by Tonya D. Lindsey, Ph.D. The gender pay gap continues to reflect that, on average, men outearn women. California is among the states with the smallest pay gaps (outpacing the national number at 13%) and is unique in that it enacted legislation aimed at eliminating pay gaps by sex and race categories. This blog post reflects on California’s pay gap as students study it in an undergraduate social statistics course. Independent variables indicate three theoretical frameworks: 1) human capital, 2) occupational segregation, and 3) discrimination. While the work students do is rigorous using a representative sample of full-time year-round California workers, there remains work to be done and caveats to the data and analyses.

Kurt Soncco Sinchi

Data Science for Social Justice Fellow 2024
Civil Engineering

First generation student and looking to improve and apply Data Science core concepts into social impactful projects, as well as trying to leverage the information from previous cases for better insights of society. Focused on infrastructure and its impact under natural disasters.

Finding Health Statistics and Data

October 21, 2021, 11:00am
Participants in this workshop will learn about some of the issues surrounding the collection of health statistics, and will also learn about authoritative sources of health statistics and data. We will look at tools that let you create custom tables of vital statistics (birth, death, etc.), disease statistics, health behavior statistics, and more.

Excel Data Analysis: Introduction

June 22, 2022, 3:00pm
This is a three-hour introductory workshop that will provide an overview of Excel, with no prior experience assumed. Attendees will learn how to use functions for handling data and making calculations, how to build charts and pivot tables, and more.

Python Data Wrangling and Manipulation with Pandas

February 14, 2023, 10:00am
Pandas is a Python package that provides fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with 'relational' or 'labeled' data both easy and intuitive. It enables doing practical, real world data analysis in Python. In this workshop, we'll work with example data and go through the various steps you might need to prepare data for analysis.