Geospatial Data, Maps & Spatial Analysis

Michael Pearce, MA


Michael is passionate about cities, technology, and real estate. He has worked in commercial real estate for 10+ years, has a Masters in City Planning, and stared and ran a mapping startup.

Seyi Olojo

Instructor, Researcher
School of Information

Seyi is a PhD Student in the School of Information and is a member of the Algorithmic Fairness and Opacity Group. Her research broadly explores the problem space of digital memory, specifically the social discourse surrounding algorithms, ethics, and engagement. Additionally, her work often explores histories of quantification and the politics of categories within emerging technologies. She uses a mixed methods approach to research; this includes ethnography, interviews, grounded theory, surveys, data analysis and values-based design. Here at the D-lab, she leads the qualitative...

Sohail Khan

Data Science Fellow 2024-2025
School of Information

Hey everyone, I’m Sohail - a 1st years Master’s student studying Data Science at the I-School. I am interested in the intersection between Computer Science, Data Science, and Cognitive Psychology and using these tools to understand, discover, and drive the development of assistive technologies.

I have experience building with brain computer Interfaces, developing distributed data processing applications, and am currently working on a large scale archival project aimed at preserving the history and memory of resistance movements through an embedding based...

Taesoo Song

Data Science Fellow 2024-2025
City and Regional Planning

Taesoo is a Ph.D. candidate in the City and Regional Planning department at the University of California, Berkeley. He studies the nexus of housing policy, neighborhood change, and residential outcomes for low-income and minority households.

His dissertation aims to reassess the prevailing narrative that Asian Americans face minimal barriers in the housing market using quantitative and qualitative methods. Taesoo has worked with the Terner Center for Housing Innovation and the Urban Displacement Project at UC Berkeley, as well as the Seoul Institute in South Korea.

Laura Schmahmann

City and Regional Planning

I am a PhD Candidate within the Department of City and Regional Planning at UC Berkeley. My dissertation explores the political economy of warehouse development across California, focusing on two case studies - the Inland Empire and North San Joaquin Valley. I am also a Graduate Student Researcher within the Labor Management Partnerships team at the UC Berkeley Labor Center. I hold a Bachelor of Planning (Honours Class 1) and Master of Philosophy (Planning and Urban Development) both from the University of New South Wales.

Irene Farah

City and Regional Planning

Irene is a PhD student in City and Regional Planning. Her research interests lie at the intersection of urban geography, political science, and public health. In particular, she studies street vendors in Mexico City and how the spatiality and politics of their working conditions impact their access to healthy food. She strongly believes in connecting with other social scientists to share perspectives on how to use technology to acquire greater knowledge of social phenomena.

Deibi Sibrian

Data Science for Social Justice Fellow 2024
Deibi is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, centering critical interdisciplinary ecology and multispecies justice. Deibi coined the term "Cryptonocene," an interdisciplinary framework, to study the socio-environmental health impacts of cryptocurrencies and related technologies, such as AI. With over two years of experience as a graduate instructor, Deibi now is a Graduate Student Researcher, NSF Digital Transformation Fellow, and Mentored Research Fellow. Before joining Berkeley, Deibi was the project manager for an interdisciplinary team...

Sahiba Chopra

Data Science Fellow 2024-2025

I'm a PhD student in the Management and Organizations (Macro) group at Berkeley Haas. I have a diverse professional background, primarily as a data scientist across numerous industries, including fintech, cleantech, and media. I hold a BA in Economics from the University of Maryland, an MS in Applied Economics from the University of San Francisco, and an MS in Business Administration from UC Berkeley.

My research focuses on the intersection of inequality, technology, and the labor market. I am particularly interested in understanding how to reduce inequality in...

Python Geospatial Fundamentals: Parts 1-2

April 2, 2024, 4:00pm
Geospatial data are an important component of data visualization and analysis in the social sciences, humanities, and elsewhere. The Python programming language is a great platform for exploring these data and integrating them into your research.

R Census Data Wrangling and Mapping

March 15, 2022, 12:00pm
Since 1790, the US Census has been THE source of data about American people, providing valuable insights to social scientists and humanists. Mapping these data by census geographies adds more value by allowing researchers to explore spatial trends and outliers. This workshop will introduce three key packages for streamlining census data workflows in R: tigris, tidycensus and tmap. Participants will learn how to download census tabular data for one or more geographic aggregation units or years, download the associated census geographic data and then join these data for analysis and mapping.