
Avery Richards

Senior Data Science Fellow
School of Public Health

Avery is an MPH graduate at the School of Public Health. With a background in literature and behavioral health, his current research focuses on innovations in applied epidemiology, including multidisciplinary approaches to health and social science data. Avery's general interests include public health surveillance, data quality assurance, and geospatial analysis.

Shivani Patel

IUSE Undergraduate Advisory Board
Cognitive Science
Data Science

Hi! I’m a third-year at UC Berkeley studying Cognitive Science and minoring in Data Science. I will be pursuing a Doctorate of Physical Therapy with an emphasis in Sports Medicine but will be using my Data Science education as a way to enhance the field. I like learning about business models, impacted industries, and approaches to solving major problems in our world/communities.

Kanchana Samala

IUSE Undergraduate Advisory Board
Data Science

Kanchana Samala (she/her) is a third year studying Data Science and pursuing the CalTeach Minor. She is currently a uGSI for Data 8 and facilitates the 'Step Out of Overdrive' Decal about understanding the link between stress and human expression. She is curious and passionate about extracting value from big data in a way that will bring joy into people's lives.

Renata Barreto, JD, Ph.D.

Research Fellow
Berkeley Law

Renata is a JD / Ph.D. candidate at Berkeley, where her research focuses on the harms caused by machine learning models on marginalized groups. She is trained in computational social science and has interned at Twitter and Facebook. She enjoys learning both programming and human languages.

Yiyi He

Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning

Yiyi He is a Ph.D. candidate from the College of Environmental Design at University of California, Berkeley. She received her bachelor’s degree in City and Regional Planning from Nanjing University and her master’s degree in Environmental Planning from UC Berkeley. She is currently working as an AI Resident at GoogleX. Prior to this, she worked as a consultant for the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery at the World Bank and a researcher for the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management and Federal Aviation Administration Consortium in Aviation Operations Research. Her...

Siddharth Adelkar

School of Information

Siddharth Adelkar is a software professional with 15 years of product development experience. This includes award-winning platforms such as People's Archive of Rural India (PARI), which he co-founded in 2014 and where he serves as Tech Editor.

Siddharth is a master's student at the Information School where he studies Information Management and Systems (MIMS). As a TA at the Haas School of Business, he helps teach MBA 290T: SQL programming. Siddharth has a master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

Reubén Pérez


Reubén Pérez is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Sociology at UC Berkeley, where his research focuses on the politics of ethnoracial data production in the context of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Melanie Phillips

Political Science

My name is Melanie L. Phillips. I am currently a PhD Candidate in the Charles and Louise Travers Political Science Department at the University of California, Berkeley. My research examines how women’s political representation in African countries is shaped by the intersection between the rules governing candidate selection and the norms associated with gendered family roles. I use a combination of empirical methods in my work, including survey, experiments, and in-depth fieldwork.

Alex Bruefach

Discovery Graduate Fellow
Materials Science and Engineering

Alex is a PhD Candidate in materials science and engineering developing image processing and machine learning techniques for extracting information from electron microscopy datasets. Her primary focus is understanding what information is transferred from various feature representations of images. She has extensive experience collaborating across boundaries and is passionate about brainstorming innovative approaches to challenging data science problems!

Louie Ortiz

IUSE Undergraduate Advisory Board
Data Science

Louie is a third-year transfer student majoring in Data Science with an emphasis on Cognition. He hopes to analyze how data—both at the computational and human level—can advance our understanding of technology and its socio-cultural implications. He is a part of the IUSE Undergraduate Advisory Board; helping make Data Science at Berkeley inclusive and accessible to all.