R Data Visualization

February 22, 2024, 10:00am
This workshop will provide an introduction to graphics in R with ggplot2. Participants will learn how to construct, customize, and export a variety of plot types in order to visualize relationships in data. We will also explore the basic grammar of graphics, including the aesthetics and geometry layers, adding statistics, transforming scales, and coloring or panelling by groups. You will learn how to make histograms, boxplots, scatterplots, lineplots, and heatmaps as well as how to make compound figures.

R Geospatial Fundamentals: Parts 1-3

March 11, 2024, 9:00am
Geospatial data are an important component of data visualization and analysis in the social sciences, humanities, and elsewhere. The R programming language is a great platform for exploring these data and integrating them into your research. This workshop focuses on fundamental operations for reading, writing, manipulating and mapping vector data, which encodes location as points, lines and polygons.

R Data Wrangling and Manipulation: Parts 1-2

March 19, 2024, 9:00am
It is said that 80% of data analysis is spent on the process of cleaning and preparing the data for exploration, visualization, and analysis. This R workshop will introduce the dplyr and tidyr packages to make data wrangling and manipulation easier. Participants will learn how to use these packages to subset and reshape data sets, do calculations across groups of data, clean data, and other useful tasks.

R Data Visualization

March 20, 2024, 2:00pm
This workshop will provide an introduction to graphics in R with ggplot2. Participants will learn how to construct, customize, and export a variety of plot types in order to visualize relationships in data. We will also explore the basic grammar of graphics, including the aesthetics and geometry layers, adding statistics, transforming scales, and coloring or panelling by groups. You will learn how to make histograms, boxplots, scatterplots, lineplots, and heatmaps as well as how to make compound figures.

R Fundamentals: Parts 1-4

March 5, 2024, 10:00am
This workshop is a four-part introductory series that will teach you R from scratch with clear introductions, concise examples, and support documents. You will learn how to download and install the open-sourced R Studio software, understand data and basic manipulations, import and subset data, explore and visualize data, and understand the basics of automation in the form of loops and functions. After completion of this workshop you will have a foundational understanding to create, organize, and utilize workflows for your personal research.

Anna Björklund

Data Science Fellow

I am a fifth-year PhD student in the Department of Linguistics with an areal interest in the Wintuan languages, traditionally spoken in the northern Sacramento Valley and now undergoing revitalization. My primary research interests are in leveraging archival recordings for the phonetic analysis of these under-documented languages, as well as designing tools to assist in their revitalization. I have worked as a linguistic consultant for the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians since 2020 and the Wintu Tribe of Northern California since 2022. I received my MA in linguistics from UC...

Chirag Manghani

Consulting Drop-In Hours: Wed 1pm-3pm

Consulting Areas: Python, R, SQL, Stata, SAS, LaTeX, HTML / CSS, Javascript, C++, APIs, Cloud & HPC Computing, Cybersecurity & Data Security, Databases & SQL, Data Manipulation and Cleaning, Data Science, Data Sources, Data Visualization, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Python Programming, R Programming, Software Tools, Text Analysis, Web Scraping, Regression Analysis, Software Output Interpretation, Bash or Command Line, Excel, Git or Github, Qualtrics, RStudio, RStudio...

Nimita Gaggar

Consulting Drop-In Hours: By appointment only

Consulting Areas: Python, R, Qualitative methods, R Programming, Other, RStudio

Quick-tip: the fastest way to speak to a consultant is to first submit a request and then ...

Nicolas Nunez-Sahr

Consulting Drop-In Hours: By appointment only

Consulting Areas: Python, R, SQL, C++, APIs, Databases & SQL, Data Manipulation and Cleaning, Data Science, Data Visualization, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Python Programming, R Programming, Text Analysis, Regression Analysis, Software Output Interpretation, Bash or Command Line, Git or Github, RStudio, Google Cloud, PostgreSQL, Python Django

Quick-tip: the fastest way to speak to a consultant is to first ...

Lauren Liao

Consulting Drop-In Hours: Fri 9am-11am

Consulting Areas: Python, R, LaTeX, Data Manipulation and Cleaning, Data Science, Data Visualization, Geospatial Data, Maps & Spatial Analysis, Machine Learning, Python Programming, R Programming, Regression Analysis, Means Tests, Other, Excel, Git or Github, RStudio, RStudio Cloud

Quick-tip: the fastest way to speak to a consultant is to first ...