Introduction to Bash + Git

November 19, 2021, 10:00am to 1:00pm

Please note: Everyone is placed on the waitlist at first. It may take up to 24 hours to confirm your UCB affiliation and then you will receive a confirmation email and calendar invite. You will need to finish your registration by filling out this form:

Location: Remote via Zoom. Link will be sent on the morning of the event.

Date & Time: This workshop runs from 10am-1pm on Friday, November 19.

Start Time: D-Lab workshops start 10 minutes after the scheduled start time (“Berkeley Time”). We will admit all participants from the waiting room at that time.


This workshop will start by introducing you to navigating your computer’s file system and basic Bash commands to remove the fear of working with the command line and to give you the confidence to use it to increase your productivity. And then working with Git, a powerful tool for keeping track of changes you make to the files in a project.

You will learn to use Bash and Git together to synchronize your work across computers, collaborate with others, and even deploy applications to the cloud. In this workshop, you will learn the basics to understand and use Git, including working with the popular "social coding" website, GitHub where you can keep a private backup copy of your code or choose to publish it to the world. 

Prerequisites: None

Workshop materials:

Software Requirements:Installation Instructions Bash and Git

Is Bash Not working on your laptop? Attend the workshop anyway, we can provide you with a cloud-based solution (DataHub or Binder) until you figure out the problems with your local installation.

Feedback: After completing the workshop, please provide us feedback using this form.

Questions? Email: