I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Science, Policy & Management at Berkeley. As a community ecologist, I use movement data and satellite imagery to disentangle how human land-uses affect wildlife behavior and population dynamics. Before joining the Brashares lab, I managed the Data Analytics & IT Department at Earthwatch Institute, where I led initiatives to engage corporate stakeholders and volunteers in ecology field research. I graduated from Dartmouth College with a B.A. in Ecology.
Spatial Ecology, Community Ecology, Population Dynamics, Socio-ecological systems, Time Series analysis; R, Data Sources, Data Visualization, Geospatial Data, Maps & Analysis, Mixed Methods, Research Design, Causal inference, Cluster analysis, Experimental design, Hierarchical Models, Means Tests, Meta-analysis, Regression Analysis, Spatial statistics, Time series, ArcGIS Desktop, Online or Pro, Excel, Git or Github, Google Earth Engine, QGIS, RStudio, RStudio Cloud