Hello! I’m a Sociology Ph.D. student and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. My research focuses on children of incarcerated parents as collateral consequences of mass incarceration and the criminal justice system. My two current projects examine: 1) the traumatic impact of viewing a parental arrest on a child in their understanding of criminality, law enforcement, and delinquency outcomes and 2) the compounding effect of parental incarceration and the child welfare system on children. Before joining Berkeley, I was a research assistant at Columbia University researching the opioid epidemic. I was also the Assistant Director of Research for the Empower Lab at NYU conducting gender violence advocacy research including topics such as human trafficking and male intimate partner violence. Broadly, my research interests are: Law, Crime, and Deviance, Life Course, Trauma, Social Stratification/Inequality, Race and Ethnicity, Human Rights, and Social Psychology.
Inequality, Mass Incarceration, Juvenile Justice, Deviance, Race & Ethnicity, Life Course, Trauma, Social Psychology, Human Rights