
Mapping Time-Series Satellite Images with Google Earth Engine API

July 17, 2023
by Meiqing Li. Remote sensing imagery has the potential to reveal land use patterns and human activities at a planetary scale. For example, nighttime light intensity extracted from can shed light on spatial patterns of human activities and settlements, especially in places where traditional data are scarce. This blog post introduces Google Earth Engine (GEE) as a general purpose tool to extract time-series remote sensing data from GEE data catalog. I walk through using GEE to obtain data, filter by time and geographic region, and visualize it on static and interactive maps.

Suraj Nair

Data Science Fellow
School of Information

I am a PhD Student at the School of Information. My research interests lie at the intersection of development economics and machine learning, with a focus on the use of large scale digital data and new computational tools to study pressing issues in global development.

Jailynne Estevez

Info & Data Science MIDS

Jailynne Estevez is a Data Analyst and a prospective Masters in Information and Data Science candidate at UC Berkeley. With a bachelor's in Public Policy, she brings a diverse skill set to her pursuits, demonstrating aptitude in data analysis and programming.

Monica Donegan

Data Science Fellow
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management

Monica is a third-year Ph.D. candidate in the Environmental Science, Policy, and Management program. She uses computational tools to study the evolution and ecology of agricultural plant pathogens. Previously, she worked on a data science team at a biotech company in Boston.

Louie Ortiz

IUSE Undergraduate Advisory Board
Data Science

Louie is a third-year transfer student majoring in Data Science with an emphasis on Cognition. He hopes to analyze how data—both at the computational and human level—can advance our understanding of technology and its socio-cultural implications. He is a part of the IUSE Undergraduate Advisory Board; helping make Data Science at Berkeley inclusive and accessible to all.

Shusheng Li

UTech Management
Data Science

Shusheng is currently a fourth-year undergraduate student studying Data Science and Economics. He is currently a part of the UTech Management team at D-Lab. Shusheng loves playing all types of sports because it's a great way to stay fit and be together with friends. Working as a UTech Front desk, Shusheng loves helping others and directing them to the right resources available.

Scrollytelling through a look at food prices around the world

May 2, 2022

You have gathered the needed data to support your research, check. You have made some hypotheses about what you hope to conclude, check. You have spent time cleaning the data and organizing it in a manner that permits further exploration, check. You have sliced and diced the data with your favorite data exploration software packages or techniques and created some data visualizations that you feel confident about, quadruple check! You are now armed with insights that you hope to showcase to the world, what’s next? In this article, I would like to share some tips for creating a...

Spencer Le

Data Peer Consultant, UTech
Computer Science
Data Science

I am a senior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Data Science. I love crunching down big data and analyzing it in order to help solve real-life issues. In my free time, I like jamming out to music, drawing, studying history, and posting on my foodstagram. If you have any questions regarding Computer Science or Data Science, please stop by!