Large Language Models (LLMs)

LLM Working Group (May 2024)

May 6, 2024, 1:00pm
Researching with LLMs: Douglas Guilbeault and Chris Soria will delve into the use of LLMs as part of the researcher toolkit. We will discuss the use of APIs, prompt engineering, and other techniques to integrate LLMs into research.

LLM Working Group (March 2024)

March 18, 2024, 1:00pm
Teaching with LLMs: Emily Hellmich, Genevieve Smith, and Cheryl Berg will lead a dialogue on the potential of LLMs in reshaping educational landscapes. It discusses educational challenges such as AI literacy, academic integrity, biases, hallucinations, and privacy issues, as well as opportunities such as accessibility and democratization.

LLM Working Group (February 2024)

February 26, 2024, 1:00pm
Generative AI and the Digital Humanities: Tim Tanghlerlini, Greg Niemeyer, and Lisa Wymore will share experiences, posing questions about the future of LLMs in the context of the Digital Humanities. We will discuss the future of DH research using LLMs, as well as the role of LLMs in producing creative work—literature, video, music, and so on—and the concomitant issues of ownership, creativity, and originality that come with this production.

GPT Fundamentals

April 17, 2024, 3:00pm
This workshop offers a general introduction to the GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformers) model. We will explore how they reflect and shape our cultural narratives and social interactions, and which drawbacks and constraints they have.

LLM Working Group (April 2024)

April 22, 2024, 1:00pm
Understanding LLMs: Tarun Gogineni, who is part of the Technical Staff at OpenAI, will discuss the state-of-the-art research on the inner workings and output of LLMs. Tarun works with John Schulman & Liam Fedus on RL and ChatGPT and is a core contributor to GPT4 in the realm of Model Creativity. Tarun is joined by Zainab Hossainzadeh, a Linguist at Meta, who currently works on LLMs.

Conceptual Mirrors: Reflecting on LLMs' Interpretations of Ideas

April 23, 2024
by María Martín López. As large language models begin to engrain themselves in our daily lives we must leverage cognitive psychology to explore the understanding that these algorithms have of our world and the people they interact with. LLMs give us new insights into how conceptual representations are formed given the limitations of data modalities they have access to. Is language enough for these models to conceptualize the world? If so, what conceptualizations do they have of us?

Tactics for Text Mining non-Roman Scripts

April 15, 2024
by Hilary Faxon, Ph.D. & Win Moe. Non-Roman scripts pose particular challenges for text mining. Here, we reflect on a project that used text mining alongside qualitative coding to understand the politicization of online content following Myanmar’s 2021 military coup.

Computational Social Science in a Social World: Challenges and Opportunities

March 26, 2024
by José Aveldanes. The rise of AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science are harbingers of the need for a significant shift in social science research. Computational Social Science enables us to go beyond traditional methods such as Ordinary Least Squares, which face challenges in addressing complexities of social phenomena, particularly in modeling nonlinear relationships and managing high-dimensionality data. This paradigmatic shift requires that we embrace these new tools to understand social life and necessitates understanding methodological and ethical challenges, including bias and representation. The integration of these technologies into social science research calls for a collaborative approach among social scientists, technologists, and policymakers to navigate the associated risk and possibilities of these new tools.

Dive into the Future of AI with the LLM Working Group at D-Lab

February 7, 2024
by Tom van Nuenen, Celebrating 10 years of innovation in data-intensive social science, D-Lab in collaboration with Grad Div is excited to introduce the LLM Working Group, an initiative focused on the exploration and discussion of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT within academic research and teaching. This group aims to unite scholars, students, and data scientists to address crucial questions about AI's role in academia, including access, impact, creativity, and learning in the age of information automation. Through a series of interactive sessions, participants will gain insights into LLM capabilities, discuss ethical considerations, and explore innovative approaches to utilizing these tools in their work. Whether you're an AI veteran or a novice curious about the potentials of GenAI, the LLM Working Group offers a collaborative platform to learn, share, and shape the future of academic inquiry. Join us in navigating the world of LLMs together.