Machine Learning

Need help with Machine Learning?

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Below are the consultant we have available with Machine Learning and other expertise listed.

Using Big Data for Development Economics

March 18, 2024
by Leïla Njee Bugha. The proliferation of new sources of data emerging from 20th and 21st century technologies such as social media, internet, and mobile phones offers new opportunities for development economics research. Where such research was limited or impeded by existing data gaps or limited statistical capacity, big data can be used as a stopgap and help accurately quantify economic activity and inform policymaking in many different fields of research. Reduced cost and improved reliability are some key benefits of using big data for development economics, but as with all research designs, it requires thoughtful consideration of potential risks and harms.

Dive into the Future of AI with the LLM Working Group at D-Lab

February 7, 2024
by Tom van Nuenen, Celebrating 10 years of innovation in data-intensive social science, D-Lab in collaboration with Grad Div is excited to introduce the LLM Working Group, an initiative focused on the exploration and discussion of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT within academic research and teaching. This group aims to unite scholars, students, and data scientists to address crucial questions about AI's role in academia, including access, impact, creativity, and learning in the age of information automation. Through a series of interactive sessions, participants will gain insights into LLM capabilities, discuss ethical considerations, and explore innovative approaches to utilizing these tools in their work. Whether you're an AI veteran or a novice curious about the potentials of GenAI, the LLM Working Group offers a collaborative platform to learn, share, and shape the future of academic inquiry. Join us in navigating the world of LLMs together.

Chirag Manghani

Consulting Drop-In Hours: Wed 1pm-3pm

Consulting Areas: Python, R, SQL, Stata, SAS, LaTeX, HTML / CSS, Javascript, C++, APIs, Cloud & HPC Computing, Cybersecurity & Data Security, Databases & SQL, Data Manipulation and Cleaning, Data Science, Data Sources, Data Visualization, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Python Programming, R Programming, Software Tools, Text Analysis, Web Scraping, Regression Analysis, Software Output Interpretation, Bash or Command Line, Excel, Git or Github, Qualtrics, RStudio, RStudio...

Nicolas Nunez-Sahr

Consulting Drop-In Hours: By appointment only

Consulting Areas: Python, R, SQL, C++, APIs, Databases & SQL, Data Manipulation and Cleaning, Data Science, Data Visualization, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Python Programming, R Programming, Text Analysis, Regression Analysis, Software Output Interpretation, Bash or Command Line, Git or Github, RStudio, Google Cloud, PostgreSQL, Python Django

Quick-tip: the fastest way to speak to a consultant is to first ...

Sanjana Gajendran

Consulting Drop-In Hours: Thu 3pm-5pm

Consulting Areas: Python, SQL, Data Science, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Text Analysis, Git or Github

Quick-tip: the fastest way to speak to a consultant is to first submit a request and then ...

Creating the Ultimate Sweet

January 30, 2024
by Emma Turtelboom. What is the best Halloween candy? In this blog post, we will identify attributes of popular sweets and create a model to understand how these attributes influence the popularity of the sweet. We’ll discuss alternative model approaches and potential drawbacks, as well as caveats to interpreting the predictions of our model.

Addison Pickrell

IUSE Undergraduate Advisory Board

Addison is an aspiring mathematician and social scientist (Class of '27). He loves collecting books he'll never read, is an open-source and open-access advocate, and an aspiring community organizer and systems disrupter. Ask me about community-based participatory action research (CBPAR), critical pedagogy, applied mathematics, and social science.

Tracking Urban Expansion Through Satellite Imagery

December 12, 2023
by Leïla Njee Bugha. Among its many uses, remote sensing can prove especially useful to document changes and trends from eras or settings, where traditional sources are either inexistent or infrequently collected. This is the case when one wants to study urban expansion in sub-Saharan countries over the past 20 years. To further remedy the lack of data on land cover uses from earlier time periods, classification methods can be used as well. Using easily accessible satellite imagery from Google Earth Engine, I provide here an example combining remote sensing with classification to detect changes in the land cover in Nigeria since 2000 due to urban expansion.

Artificial Intelligence and the Mental Health Space: Current Failures and Future Directions

October 31, 2023
by María Martín López. María Martín López, a PhD student in the department of psychology whose research focuses on large language models within the context of mental illness, gives an overview of current failures and possible future directions of NLP models in the mental health space. She brings up questions that must be considered by all researchers working in this space and encourages these individuals to think creatively about the use of AI beyond direct treatment.

María Martín López

Data Science Fellow

María Martín López is a PhD student in the Cognition area within the Department of Psychology. Her research relates to cognitive computational and quantitative models of individual differences in behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. She is particularly interested in how we can create and leverage novel algorithms to understand, measure, and predict processes relating to externalizing psychopathology (e.g. impulsivity, aggression, substance use). She answers these questions using a range of computational and quantitive models including AI, NLP, SEM, time series analysis, multi-level...