Qualitative Analysis

Wadzanai Makomva

Discovery Graduate Fellow
School of Information

Wadzanai is a graduate student at the School of Information and she is a part of the MIMS program. She has a vested interest in the integration between data science, technology and developmental surveillance techniques. She has prior experience working as a quantitative analyst in project management consulting within a professional services firm, public health, and most recently in sustainable construction materials. Wadzanai is particularly interested in increasing access of STEM subjects and fields to under-privileged women of color in the African continent, particularly her home...

Seyi Olojo

Instructor, Researcher
School of Information

Seyi is a PhD Student in the School of Information and is a member of the Algorithmic Fairness and Opacity Group. Her research broadly explores the problem space of digital memory, specifically the social discourse surrounding algorithms, ethics, and engagement. Additionally, her work often explores histories of quantification and the politics of categories within emerging technologies. She uses a mixed methods approach to research; this includes ethnography, interviews, grounded theory, surveys, data analysis and values-based design. Here at the D-lab, she leads the qualitative...

Racism Narratives in Medical Literature

Systemic racism is a driving factor in unequal health outcomes, but it is rarely the subject of study in top medical journals (see a 2021 analysis by Krieger et al.). This project, a collaboration between the UC Berkeley D-Lab and the American Medical Association's Center for Health Equity, aims to measure progress in acknowledging, studying, & dismantling racism by creating tools to track racism-related narratives in influential medical research.