To receive a Zoom link after registering above, please fill out the affiliations form if you have not done so at least once before:
Location: D-Lab, 356 Social Sciences Building AND Remote via Zoom. Link will be sent on the morning of the event.
Recordings: This D-Lab event will be recorded and made available to UC Berkeley participants for a limited time. Your registration for the event indicates your consent to having any images, comments and chat messages included as part of the video recording materials that are made available.
Date & Time: This workshop runs from 12pm-1pm on:
• Thursday, October 12
Start Time: D-Lab workshops start 10 minutes after the scheduled start time (“Berkeley Time”). We will admit all participants from the waiting room at that time.
QDA Campus License Focus Group
Hosts: Research IT & D-Lab
Calling All Qualitative & Mixed-Methods Researchers at UC Berkeley! Join the conversation on Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) Campus Software License Options!
Are you a researcher (undergraduate, graduate, or faculty/staff) at UC Berkeley who employs qualitative data, text analysis, or mixed-methods research approaches? If you rely on specialized software like Atlas.ti, NVivo, MaxQDA, Dedoose, or in your work, Research IT & D-Lab want your input to inform the future of qualitative research supports at UC Berkeley.
What to Expect:
- Engage in discussions with researchers using similar methodologies and discuss approach and challenges with the existing options at Cal
- Share your experiences, needs, and software preferences when it comes to qualitative data analysis software
- Collaboratively shape the future of qualitative research support at UC Berkeley.
- Refreshments and snacks will be provided, and your participation will make a significant impact on the social science research landscape at UC Berkeley.
For any inquiries, please contact Scarlet Sands Bliss at:
Prerequisites: None
Feedback: After the event, please provide us feedback using this form
Questions? Email: