Emma Turtelboom

Data Science Fellow

I am a PhD student in the Astronomy department, and I study planets outside our own solar system. I'm interested in learning how the properties of host stars affect planetary systems. In my free time, I love swimming, hiking, reading, and baking.

Monica Donegan

Data Science Fellow
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management

Monica is a third-year Ph.D. candidate in the Environmental Science, Policy, and Management program. She uses computational tools to study the evolution and ecology of agricultural plant pathogens. Previously, she worked on a data science team at a biotech company in Boston.

Aniket Gupta

Discovery Fellow
School of Information

I am a first year masters student at UC Berkeley school of Information majoring in Information Management and Systems with a focus on Data Science and ML. I like to build optimized yet simple and scalable solutions powered by data using emerging AI technologies.

Caedi Seim

Discovery Consultant, UTech
Data Science Discovery Program

Hello! I'm Caedi and I'm a junior studying Data Science with a domain emphasis in Cognition. I'm interested in leveraging data science for non-technical fields, closing the data literacy gap, and I'm also very interested in design. Always willing to chat!

Daniel Lobo

Computational Social Science Fellow

Daniel Lobo is a PhD student in the Department of Sociology with an emphasis in Political Economy at UC Berkeley. He is broadly interested in how culture, or the unspoken “rules of the game,” reproduces inequality within a system of racial capitalism. At the individual level, he is interested in documenting and measuring the extent to which cultural capital and social capital enable or constrain opportunities for intergenerational mobility. At the organizational level, he is interested in documenting and measuring the extent to which culturally-based selection and promotion processes...

Understanding Rock Climbing using Python & SQL

March 22, 2022
Understanding Rock Climbing using Python & SQL

The Rise of Climbing

As an avid rock climber, I’ve been curious about how climbing became so popular in such a brief time, and what these climbers look like. Unlike other well established sports such as tennis, football, or basketball, climbing has only recently gained attention on the public stage, and little data is available about this burgeoning sport.For context, back in the day, climbing was a serious commitment! You had to find a buddy to learn how to use climbing equipment...

Peter Amerkhanian

Graduate Student Researcher (GSR), Instructor
Goldman School of Public Policy (GSPP)

I’m a D-Lab GSR and a graduate student in The Goldman School’s Master of Public Policy/The I School’s Graduate Certificate in Applied Data Science. I have 5 years of experience working on data problems in government and nonprofits. I’m interested in social policy, program evaluation, and computational methods. Python is my principal language, but I’ve developed experience using and teaching a variety of other tools, including R, Excel, Tableau, and JavaScript. I deeply enjoy teaching data science methods and am excited to be a part of the D-Lab.

Shivani Patel

IUSE Undergraduate Advisory Board
Cognitive Science
Data Science

Hi! I’m a third-year at UC Berkeley studying Cognitive Science and minoring in Data Science. I will be pursuing a Doctorate of Physical Therapy with an emphasis in Sports Medicine but will be using my Data Science education as a way to enhance the field. I like learning about business models, impacted industries, and approaches to solving major problems in our world/communities.

Yiyi He

Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning

Yiyi He is a Ph.D. candidate from the College of Environmental Design at University of California, Berkeley. She received her bachelor’s degree in City and Regional Planning from Nanjing University and her master’s degree in Environmental Planning from UC Berkeley. She is currently working as an AI Resident at GoogleX. Prior to this, she worked as a consultant for the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery at the World Bank and a researcher for the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management and Federal Aviation Administration Consortium in Aviation Operations Research. Her...

Alex Bruefach

Discovery Graduate Fellow
Materials Science and Engineering

Alex is a PhD Candidate in materials science and engineering developing image processing and machine learning techniques for extracting information from electron microscopy datasets. Her primary focus is understanding what information is transferred from various feature representations of images. She has extensive experience collaborating across boundaries and is passionate about brainstorming innovative approaches to challenging data science problems!