
Finley Golightly

IT Support & Helpdesk Supervisor
Applied Mathematics

Finley joined D-Lab as full-time staff launching their career in Data Science after graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Applied Math from UC Berkeley.

They have been with D-Lab since Fall 2020, formerly as part of the UTech Management team before joining as full-time staff in Fall 2023. They love the learning environment of D-Lab and their favorite part of the job is their co-workers! In their free time, they enjoy reading, boxing, listening to music, and playing Dungeons & Dragons. Feel free to stop by the front desk to ask them any questions or...

Stata for Research Transparency and Reproducibility Training (RT2)

June 7, 2024, 3:15pm
This is a custom Stata workshop for the 2024 Research Transparency and Reproducibility Training (RT2).

Tactics for Text Mining non-Roman Scripts

April 15, 2024
by Hilary Faxon, Ph.D. & Win Moe. Non-Roman scripts pose particular challenges for text mining. Here, we reflect on a project that used text mining alongside qualitative coding to understand the politicization of online content following Myanmar’s 2021 military coup.

What Are Vowels Made Of? Graphing a Classic Dataset with R

February 13, 2024
by Anna Björklund. Vowels are all around us. Mainstream US English has around twelve unique vowels. How can our brains tell these sounds apart? This blog post will help you answer this question by plotting vowel data from a classic American English dataset by Peterson and Barney (1952).

Creating the Ultimate Sweet

January 30, 2024
by Emma Turtelboom. What is the best Halloween candy? In this blog post, we will identify attributes of popular sweets and create a model to understand how these attributes influence the popularity of the sweet. We’ll discuss alternative model approaches and potential drawbacks, as well as caveats to interpreting the predictions of our model.

Tracking Urban Expansion Through Satellite Imagery

December 12, 2023
by Leïla Njee Bugha. Among its many uses, remote sensing can prove especially useful to document changes and trends from eras or settings, where traditional sources are either inexistent or infrequently collected. This is the case when one wants to study urban expansion in sub-Saharan countries over the past 20 years. To further remedy the lack of data on land cover uses from earlier time periods, classification methods can be used as well. Using easily accessible satellite imagery from Google Earth Engine, I provide here an example combining remote sensing with classification to detect changes in the land cover in Nigeria since 2000 due to urban expansion.

Searching for Other Solar Systems

November 21, 2023
by Emma Turtelboom. Over the last three decades, we have discovered over 5000 exoplanets, which are planets outside of our Solar System. With these observations, we can try to answer many questions we have about the universe. For example, how unique is the Solar System? How do planets form? Is there life elsewhere in the Milky Way? We can query the NASA Exoplanet Archive to compare multi-planet systems to the Solar System. Through this, we can compare how similar (or dissimilar!) the systems are.

Exploratory Data Analysis in Social Science Research

November 14, 2023
by Kamya Yadav. Causal inference has become the dominant endeavor for many political scientists, often at the expense of good research questions and theory building. Returning to descriptive inference – the process of describing the world as it exists – can help formulate research questions worth asking and theory that is grounded in reality. Exploratory data analysis is one method of conducting descriptive inference. It can help social science researchers find empirical patterns and puzzles that motivate their research questions, test correlations between variables, and engage with the existing literature on a topic. In this blog post, I walk through results from exploratory data analysis I conducted for my dissertation project on political ambition of women.

Mapping Census Data with tidycensus

November 6, 2023
by Alex Ramiller. The U.S. Census Bureau provides a rich source of publicly available data for a wide variety of research applications. However, the traditional process of downloading these data from the census website is slow, cumbersome, and inefficient. The R package “tidycensus” provides researchers with a tool to overcome these challenges, enabling a streamlined process to quickly downloading numerous datasets directly from the census API (Application Programming Interface). This blog post provides a basic workflow for the use of the tidycensus package, from installing the package and identifying variables to efficiently downloading and mapping census data.

Hate Speech

The hate speech measurement project began in early 2017 at UC Berkeley’s D-Lab. Our research project applies data science techniques such as machine learning to track changes in hate speech over time and across social media platforms. After three years, we have now published our groundbreaking method that measures hate speech with precision while mitigating the influence of human bias. Read the manuscript here.