Qualitative Methods

Tiffany Hamidjaja


Hello! I’m a Sociology Ph.D. student and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. My research focuses on children of incarcerated parents as collateral consequences of mass incarceration and the criminal justice system. My two current projects examine: 1) the traumatic impact of viewing a parental arrest on a child in their understanding of criminality, law enforcement, and delinquency outcomes and 2) the compounding effect of parental incarceration and the child welfare system on children. Before joining Berkeley, I was a research assistant at Columbia University...

Anushah Hossain

Senior Data Science Fellow
Energy and Resources Group

Anushah's background is in history and economics and she is interested in questions of how technological and social trends inform one another. She uses the models and methods of these disciplines - theories of technological change, an eye towards historical contingencies, and familiarity with programming tools - to undergird her work. In the past she's studied how internet users make sense of barriers they encounter when accessing the web, how cellular communications alter the nature of village life in the Philippines, and how the South Asian diaspora finds...